Tag : unique - rosabelle-aimee | UNIQUE ... - Powered by Blogger

Those are the some i seen, the rest u can adding it your self, or lets flow with others, 
I am World wide Viral.


Effect saya Bangat, plus tambah angka lahir segala. Burung Terbang 

Xtra Careful Humans, Ur entire life has been sold off.

 Colour of my car, Yellow as unique colour , i have this car since 2009, i decided bought it  actually  to help someone borrow some money,lol ., ACtually i never focus that yellow colour represent to UNIQUE colour itself, what a coincidence.  I use it each time travel to Jakarta until now,  paparazzie and some people often following me, and puts logo behind my car, see on video, people keeps following this tiny yellow car, In 2013 the celebrities Indonesien also copied my favour;; they drive yellow car , bags, dress, mostly in yellow.... They never talk to me, but from my top to toe, keeps scroling and picking my stuffs.

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